Monday, February 25, 2013

T-Minus 4 Days: Scaling Everest

4.  Can we scale Everest without any help from teammates and fellow mudders?

Patrick may have already accomplished this and I just missed it because I was trailing.  Everest has been a barometer for our progress on this journey so far.  The Wintergreen Mudder provided many lessons in failure while we attempted to scale this obstacle for the first time.  You can even check out some Leadership Lessons Learned From Everest by clicking here.  One of the best moments of this entire journey so far was in Pennsylvania when we all successfully completed this obstacle for the first time.  It was in the middle of the celebration that I saw two guys run right up and over Everest unassisted.  I knew that this had to be the next challenge.  It almost happened in Carolina but mudders are so helpful that assistance was provided even if not needed.  Miami provides another attempt at scaling Everest.


  1. That is a great goal to have - for the Mid Atlantic mudder.

    1. You could increase the difficulty and scale Everest using one shoulder and one knee! That would be impressive.
