Monday, February 18, 2013

Warm Weather Mudder

So, the following is a screen shot of the forecast for Miami the next 10 days. 


We're not scheduled to arrive until the 1st of March, but if these temperatures persist and historical averages are to be trusted, then it should be around 80 degrees or so when we're running the Miami Mudder. 

This will be our first warm-weather mudder, which should be interesting.  Usually, I have to prepare for cold weather and wear layers.  This normally takes the form of a long-sleeve compression shirt under my team shirt, which not only keeps me warmer but also has the added benefit of protecting my forearms during the crawling obstacles.  I'll still bring it, but I may have to ditch this compression shirt if the weather's going to be in the mid-80's.  I'm thoroughly expecting to tear up my forearms now...which is going to kinda suck. 

I guess this is one of those things that you have to roll with when making plans though.  After all, no event (either of the Mudder or education variety) ever goes off the exact way that you expect it to.  I have to modify my approach, but I've most often found that flexibility is the key in overcoming obstacles. 

The upshot is that this might be the first time we look forward to an Arctic Enema (but, I won't speak for Danny...he hates that obstacle and there may be nothing that can make him look forward to it).


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