Tuesday, February 19, 2013

T-Minus 10 Days

The Miami Tough Mudder is only 10 days away.  I thought I’d start a 10 day series that poses a different question that we intend to answer at the Miami Mudder.  Some of these questions will involve the team while others will be directed at particular team members.

10.  Will running on both Saturday and Sunday in Miami be as challenging as doing two laps at the Carolina Mudder?

I’m torn on this question because completing two laps at the Carolina Mudder was grueling.  After all, I’m still working on the Emergency Room bill and I am also now the proud owner of multiple sets of crutches.  The difference between Carolina and Miami will be the opportunity to rest (+) and the challenge of restarting a day later (-).  One of the perks of running consecutive laps is that your body is already moving.  It will undoubtedly be difficult to rise on Sunday and take on the challenge again.  


  1. I think it will actually be tougher. Rest is over-rated, and it's more likely that our soreness won't go away overnight. That means we'll have to get up and warmed up again for the Sunday run. I look forward to the challenge though.

  2. I don't know if it's just because the Double Mudder is behind me or I just forgot how truly painful it was, but I have to agree with Patrick that I think the restart on Sunday is going to be tougher. My body behaved pretty well during the Double Mudder when I just kept going. To stop and restart - the legs are not going to appreciate that much. Plus the Sunday course is always beat to hell after all the Saturday Mudders trudge through. Trench Warfare - looking forward to crawling over all the exposed rocks. It may be hard to compare though. Not sure how we factor in the 81 degree heat we are walking into. We haven't really faced that type of an obstacle before so that will definitely be a factor.

    1. Looking forward to the challenge of Sunday but hadn't thought about the wear and tear on the course. The course looked quite different on the second lap in Carolina. The second day is sure to be worse!
