Friday, February 22, 2013

T-Minus 7 Days: Removing the Monkey

7. Will Patrick finally remove the monkey from his back by successfully completing the Funky Monkey obstacle?

I know this is a sore subject for one of us but I know this is definitely a goal in Miami.  Patrick typically dominates the course so holding the Funky Monkey over him is one of our few pleasures.  We spend the rest of the time trying to catch him on the course.  I would bet on him this round after several near misses on the last two courses.  We promise to have the footage....whether it is the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat!


  1. I was going to say that this was a low blow putting up that picture, but since I've recently done it as well, I better hold off. I've also decided that I'm going to be very zen about the Funky Monkeys. I'm not going to boast or make any promises. I'm going to take the obstacles as they come and try to stay focused on success. But, I'm up for the video...either I'll get across or I'll fall...either way, I'll keep on moving forward.

    1. I did think about not posting the picture but decided to using the same rationale you used. I'm all for the zen approach! My money is still on you completing it.

  2. I am not sure how to read either of these responses - this is too zen for even me. Boasting is part of the fun. So is failing. So is trying again. So is letting it naw at your insides and wake up in sweaty sleeps reliving the moment - wait a sec that is me in that dam* Artic Enima. My vote is on success. You have worked hard and only a slip will screw it up....well there it went. I just jinxed the whole thing.
