Thursday, February 21, 2013

T-Minus 8 Days

8. Will Brian overcome his fear of the newest obstacle “Dark Lightning”?

If you haven't seen "Dark Lightning" please take a moment to watch the video below so you have a frame of reference.

There is no way that I will skip this obstacle (especially if DC and Patrick are doing it) even though “Dark Lightning” makes me nervous.  With this obstacle you are combining complete darkness and being shocked by live wires.  I’m okay with being in the dark and really do not mind the tunnel obstacles.  I also kind of like both the electric eel and electroshock therapy.  For some reason combining the two has me a little nervous as we head to Miami.  We haven't seen the course map yet and it may not be a part of our lineup this time but the thought of completing this obstacle has me a little rattled!  I will definitely have to summon up some of that Mental Grit that DC is always talking about.


  1. I'm not sure...watching this video didn't scare me as much as make me worry that the event is a bit "cheesy". It had a carnival/haunted house feel to it, and I've always thought those kinds of things were a bit silly.

  2. My biggest worry is getting kicked in the face by some mudder in front of me while he is getting shocked. I hate thinking of myself as a circuit completer. But I hate the electricity obstacles, not as much as the Enima truly but I still hate the Eel. But you know I'm sure my dislike will grow as I approach it. Gonna be good!!!
