Friday, November 14, 2014

Registration - Check

Registration is complete and we are about to head out to our World's Toughest Mudder Facebook Community dinner. The Gazelle successfully arrived via Delta so the Year in the Mud is complete.

Things are pretty exciting now and we are ready to get on the course! Here are some pictures from today's registration.

Ladder to Hell.

Cliff Jump. This obstacle is a little like Hoover Dam. Difficult to capture the size in a picture. I was not allowed to get any closer and quickly yelled at by TMHQ staff. Tasha will have to post more on this one tomorrow.

Everest and el Gato. Definitely not as steep as a typical Everest obstacle but I am not sure that will matter at 2 AM.

Electricity - YEAH!!!

Pit crew bibs this year. She is official and ready to go. We would not be able to do this without Tasha's help. We owe you.

The Grappler - yes we will be throwing grappling hooks. Wonderful!!

Penalty for The Grappler - over, under, and through.

This one is called Birth Canal. Yes they went there. I give this two hours before this obstacle is destroyed.

Weigh Too Much - Where Tough Mudder meets Spartan. Looking forward to carrying some heavy buckets of dirt.


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