Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I Don't Have Time

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” 

Time is often the perceived enemy of many people.  This comes up in conversation and conversation about what people would do if they only had more time.  The honest truth is that you really have enough time.  One of the beautiful things about time is that we all have the same number of minutes in a day.  Seth Godin writes that when you say "I don't have time." this actually means, "it wasn't important enough." It wasn't a high priority, fun, distracting, profitable or urgent enough to make it to the top of the list. 

For example I have enough time to mindlessly tap away on my iPad but right now I cannot find time to run more (or at all).  It is not a time issue at all.  It is a priority issue for me.  The iPad is easy and comfortable while pounding the pavement is uncomfortable and monotonous to me.  The iPad wins every time.  We each have our own easy, comfortable thing that keeps us from achieving our goal.  I know that in order to perform better at the World's Toughest Mudder that I need to become a runner.  I have failed miserably to improve my running and it is already the middle of May.  Something has to change but more time is not the answer.  I can get up earlier, prioritize my day, put down the iPad, etc.  Those are my choices.  We each have similar choices to make as we chase our individual mudders.  

Running on a Trail at the Poconos Mudder
Unfortunately, we become comfortable telling ourselves a bullshit story that puts off our goal for another day. One day we will all be out of time and many of us will still have a long "to do" list that will remain undone.  My journey towards becoming a runner starts tomorrow.  Just kidding....I will start today. After all, it's the only day that we are ever guaranteed.   


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