Thursday, August 1, 2013

Just Start!

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. 
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” –Goethe

I believe that we let obstacles and excuses get in the way of our dreams.  This first statement may seem odd from people who enthusiastically sign up to have 20+ obstacles put in their way on any given weekend.  The obstacles we face whether real or imagined can be conquered just like a Tough Mudder course.  

You may get KNOCKED OUT going through the wires but you get back up.  You may fall off of the Funky Monkey but you keep swimming out and you conquer it the next time (or in my case you swim again).  You may fail scaling Everest and fall back down but you find a way to get back up.  The honest truth is that if you cannot go through an obstacle you always have the option of going around.  On our team you will never hear the end of it if you go around but it does technically remain an option.  We have changed a lot on this journey and some of these lessons can be translated into leadership and education arenas.

Pay close attention to conversations about change.  The focus is typically on "what could be?" or "why we cannot do things differently".    Very little time is spent on the actions that need to take place.  We can debate the change that should occur in our world, lives, education, etc.  The unfortunate thing is that nothing changes unless someone is bold enough to begin it.  I have a couple of questions to ask as we wind down the present school year and plan for the next.  
  1. What are you bold enough to change?
  2. What actions are you willing to take to accomplish the change?
  3. How can we change conversations to focus on what truly matters?
The most important thing is that we opt to be bold, take action, and enjoy the moments that follow.  Conquering your biggest obstacle typically leads to moments like the ones captured in the pictures below.


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