Wednesday, June 19, 2013

114 Days and Counting

We are still dealing with the lost opportunity that was the Virginia Beach Mudder.  I know DC will be weighing in on this one as well.  We missed the opportunity to complete 3 laps and test ourselves on the road to World's Toughest.  I know Patrick is smiling because we were also unable to get 3 headbands ahead of him!  An additional obstacle appeared as I updated the countdown clock on this site.  Our next possible run is in Tri-State which is 114 days away.  That seems like an eternity especially since two months have passed since we ran Mid-Atlantic.  A new, diabolical training plan must be unleashed to not only keep us focused but also prepare us for the grueling end to 2013 which will include Tri-State, Mid-Atlantic, Charlotte, and World's Toughest within a two month span.  A new clock is up and a new challenge awaits!


  1. I'm hurt (in the emotional sense)...I may have been extra motivated if you had gotten three headbands ahead, but I was probably only slightly less disappointed than you were when I heard they were cancelling. I was looking forward to hearing about your heroics, and I could empathize with the amount of work that you guys had put into the Blackjack.

  2. the way, what's the plan of Tri-State? You going to try for the Blackjack, or something else? That's only a week before West Virginia, so I'm trying to figure out what's up. I won't be there because my wife's birthday is that weekend. I can't imagine how much trouble I'd be in if I tried to do a TM on my wife's birthday (especially if I'm not fully healed from the Achilles).
