Saturday, April 20, 2013

Knocked Out - A Little Bit

We've just settled in for the night after running the Saturday Mid-Atlantic Tough Mudder, and I thought I would provide a quick rundown of what happened.

  1. It was a very cold course.  The water obstacles were bad enough, but the wind just made it that much worse.  At the end of our run, we all had the shivers and couldn't really get them stopped until we'd changed clothes and gotten back into the bus heading back to the parking area (or maybe that was just me)
  2. The hills were pretty tough. Not as bad as Wintergreen 2011, but pretty bad nonetheless.  In my estimation, this was the second hardest course that we've run.  There was a lot of up the hill and down the hill.  The only thing that was missing was the Black Diamond ski slope that was used as the Death March.
  3. We didn't see the course map until we were on the bus heading into the course, and even then it was only because the people we were sitting next to were spectators, and the map was available for them.  We were slightly disappointed that there seemed to be few new obstacles.  Little did we know that the obstacles that were there were going to be very difficult.
  4. The Mud Mile obstacle was absolutely the best one we've had so far.  The gaps were far enough apart that you couldn't just hop from one to the next.  Add in the fact that the ridges had almost no foot or handholds.  None of us would have been able to make it through without a good deal of help from others.  It was the most collegial, cooperative event that I can remember.
  5. The big news is that the electrical elements were as bad as we've ever seen.  The Electroshock Therapy was a beast.  I had been knocked down a couple times in Miami, but I actually had my brain scrambled a little bit this time.  I must have gotten shocked, but I don't really remember.  I remember opening my eyes about halfway through and wondering where I was for a split second.  I tried to get up, but got shocked right back down.  I eventually had to crawl my way out.  All I can say is that it's lucky that no one was taking pictures.
  6. We all feel pretty good now.  A nice shower to get the mud off, a quick jump in the hot-tub at our hotel, and then a nice meal at a local steak restaurant, and we all feel 100% better.  Tomorrow's run should be tough, but not so much that it's frightening (although, I think I might be a little shy about Electroshock Therapy).


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