Monday, April 22, 2013

A Collection Reflection

We are back from the Mid-Atlantic Mudder and you have already seen on this blog that one of us was knocked out.  The lessons we learned during this past weekend will undoubtedly fuel many future posts.  I was unpacking and putting my 2 new headbands up when I realized how much the stack had grown.  I decided to lay them out and take the picture below.

The discolored headband was worn during lap 2 of the Carolina Mudder.

The three of us have gone through a lot individually and collectively over the course of these 8 headbands.  We survived the initial shock of a Tough Mudder, got in the best shape of our lives, and dramatically altered the course of the world (possible slight exaggeration on the last one but you never know....)  We are only four months into the year so this journey is far from over.  We have big plans for the Virginia Beach Mudder and the stack of headbands will continue to grow.  We will also own more Tough Mudder t-shirts than we will ever be able to wear.

I didn't realize I was starting a collection when I said yes to the Wintergreen Mudder.  Upon reflection, the most amazing things I've ever done in life all started with a similar yes to a challenge that both scared and excited me.  More challenges await and we have many more miles in the mud ahead.  Thank you for reading and being a part of our journey!

P.S. By my calculations we have each completed 15 shocking obstacles.  Although this is radical behavior modification I do think I am starting to see improvements in both DC and Patrick!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'd not really lined mine up like that. Just think, one more lap and we'll have completed as many as Pak did in last year's WTM.

  2. you have one TM t-shirt for each day of the one for laundry day. that's cool!
