Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Flip Challenge: T-Minus 3 Days

The Maiden Backflip in Pennsylvania

Walk the Plank is one of my favorite obstacles for a variety of reasons.  It scares some people due to the height of the jump which makes people freeze.  You see people emerge from the water excited to have overcome a fear which is a theme for Tough Mudders.  I also like this obstacle because it always holds the potential for pulling off an epic flip.  The beauty is that you never know if flipping is allowed until you get to the top.  The rules change based on the venue as illustrated by the famous NO FLEEEEEEPS!!!!! proclamation in Miami that almost had somebody removed from the course.  So far I have executed beautiful backflips and really ugly over-rotated backflips which hurt a lot.  I've also done Olympic worthy front flips and recently in Atlanta and horribly under-rotated frontflip.  You never know how it will turn out but you just get out there and go for it.  To date I am the only member of the three man group to pull off a flip but that will change in 2014.  I know at least one member is considering it.  Will we be allowed to flip in Virginia?  Will DC and/or Pat answer the flip challenge?  Only time will tell.


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