Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fear of the Unknown: T-Minus 3 Days

3.  How will the unknown obstacles impact our run in New Jersey?

The map for Tri-State has been released so DC and I have been like kids in a candy store studying the route and the obstacles that we will face this weekend.  There was both good news and bad news as we looked at the course.

Bad News:  There will be no redemption on the rings for DC unless it appears as a mystery obstacle in an enclosed space, with electroshock over water.

Good News:  We will finally have our shot at Island Hopping which was the subject of a previous post that can be found here.  The other good news is that there are several more obstacles that we haven't faced and we have no idea what they are.  One of the downsides from running so many races is that you get used to the same obstacles and some of the fun disappears.  Even though obstacles remain tough no matter how often you face them nothing compares to the first time.  Can you remember the first time you faced Everest and saw all of the people hanging down to help you?  There is something magical about those moments and I'm excited to face some new challenges.  Who knows how these obstacles will impact our performance?  Stay tuned to find out if we survive the Zombie Apacolypse or can scale whatever Climbmax ends up being.


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