Friday, September 13, 2013

Gettin' Better All The Time

In the immortal words of the Beatles, "it's getting better all the time."   Today was my longest walk/jog so far.  My goal has been to walk for 10 miles or three hours, whichever comes first, and I'm glad to report that I hit just under 11 miles in just under 3 hours today.  I walked the majority of the time, but whenever the urge hit me, I would do a slow jog for as long as I could.  My guess is that I actually jogged somewhere around a mile total. 

My pace really started to slow down at the 9 mile mark, but the 16 minute per mile pace overall is an improvement on earlier efforts, and so I'm setting my goal to get below a 15 minute per mile pace in time for the Seattle ToughMudder on October 4th.  I definitely think that I can do that, but much will depend on how much my ankle can handle the jogging parts.  I'm not sure I could speed up my walking much more, so if I'm going to speed up the pace then I'm going to have to jog more.  The big question is whether I will be able to run in the WTM, which is just over two months from today.  How I do during (and feel after) the Seattle TM will give me a very good indication of whether the WTM is a feasible option.


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